410 Clausen Ave SW • Bemidji, MN 56601
(218) 444-2222
Accepts CareCredit
3610 Comfort Dr NW • Bemidji, MN 56601
(218) 751-2735
Cornerstone Veterinary Services
236 MN-92 • Gonvick, MN 56644
(218) 487-5360
1109 Western Ave S • Park Rapids, MN 56470
(218) 732-9862
967 Adams Ave NW • Bemidji, MN56601
(218) 333-9010
9190 Irvine Ave NW • Bemidji, MN 56601
(218) 444-5797
306 8th St S • Walker, MN 56484-0640
(218) 547-3222
CareCredit is a loan to pay for veterinary care expenses. From their website, you can search for a veterinary clinic near you that accepts CareCredit and then apply for it. CareCredit is subject to credit approval. Click here to search for a participating veterinary clinic and to fill out an online application.
Hearts United for Animals assists with emergency medical cases as funding allows. For Emergency Assistance, fill out an online application form or call 402.274.3679.
For sick pets that would likely respond to treatment, fill out an online application.
Frankie’s Friends is dedicated to finding cures and saving pets with cancer and other life-threatening conditions. To apply for emergency and specialty care for your pet, fill out an online application or call 888.465.PETS.
The Mosby Foundation provides assistance to critically sick, injured, abused and neglected dogs. To apply for aid, fill out an application.
Paws 4 A Cure provides financial assistance throughout the United States to those who cannot afford veterinary care for their beloved furry family members. Paws 4 A Cure helps dogs and cats with all illnesses and injuries. To apply for assistance, fill out an online application.
Pet Assistance helps longtime pet owners who have always cared for their pet, yet sadly find they cannot afford an exceptional problem. Call 860-355-PETS for assistance or fill out an online application.
The Pet Fund assists owners in covering medical costs beyond the normal expenses of vaccination, spay & neuter surgeries, food and routine veterinary care. For assistance, please call (916) 443-6007 or email info@thepetfund.com.
RedRover/United Animal Nations
RedRover helps animals rescued from disasters or neglect, domestic violence victims seeking safety with their pets, and animals with life-threatening illnesses. To apply for help, go to https://redrover.org/relief/ or call (916) 429-2457.
The Handicapped Pets Foundation donates wheelchairs to pets in need. To apply for a wheelchair, fill out an online application.
Feline Veterinary Emergency Assistance
Feline Veterinary Emergency Assistance provides emergency financial assistance to cat and kitten guardians who are unable to afford veterinary services to save their companion with Vaccine Associated Sarcoma (VAS), also referred to as Injection Site Sarcoma (ISS).
For assistance with a cat with a life-threatening illness or injury, fill out an online application.
Rose's Fund assists pet owners and Good Samaritans who have an animal with a good prognosis for a healthy life, but are at a financial loss. For funding, cal 877-505-4234 or fill out an online application.
- Ask your Veterinarian about payments over time;
- Ask if the Veterinarian will accept post dated checks;
- Find out what the minimum is that can be done that will solve the problem;
- Get a second opinion re: costs;
- Borrow from family, friends, bank, etc.;
- Use equity in your car, home to obtain funds;
- Cash in or borrow against life insurance policy or stocks;
- Ask for a salary advance from your employer;
- Get a second job or work overtime if available;
- Have a garage sale; sell on eBay, pawn items of value;
- Ask your church for help;
- Consolidate high interest credit debt to get cash;
- Trade services or goods with your Veterinarian;
- Start a “Pet Emergency Fund” at your bank;
- Ask for a written prescription and fill it at an online pet supply;
- Ask if the Vet has sample medications to give;
- Ask your credit card holder to increase your credit limit;
- If you qualify, ask for a senior discount.