Does Leech Lake Legacy adopt out animals?

Leech Lake Legacy does not adopt animals. All of our animals are transferred to partner shelters and rescues. If you are interested in adopting a "Leech Lake Legacy" animal, you will work directly with one of our partner organizations.

Are there primary shelters and rescues that Leech Lake Legacy partners with to transfer and place animals up for adoption?

Approximately 70% of all animals go to one of Animal Humane Society's locations in the Twin Cities.  We also work with more than 20 other partner shelters and rescues.

Does Leech Lake Legacy have a shelter or a facility to house animals?

Leech Lake Legacy does not have a shelter to house animals. We are simply a liaison between the Leech Lake Tribal Police and the Cass Lake impound and our network of partner shelters and rescues.

Who is the puppy in the Leech Lake Legacy logo?

The puppy in the logo is Baby Legacy. Legacy was one of 13 puppies surrendered in August 2011. All 13 puppies were temporarily fostered at Marilou's house (co-founder of Leech Lake Legacy) for five days (the puppy quarantine period) at which time 10 of the 13 were transferred to the Animal Humane Society to be vetted and placed up for adoption.

Three of the puppies (Legacy, Lazarus and Lenny) were too sick to be placed up for adoption so they continued to be fostered by Marilou. Lazarus and Lenny were eventually adopted out through ACT V Rescue & Rehabilitation. However, Legacy wiggled his way into Marilou's heart and officially became a member of her family (and our official spokesdog) in October 2011.

What percentage of Leech Lake Legacy animals are adopted out?

Nearly all of the animals that come into our Surrender & Transport program are adopted out by our partner shelters and rescues.  Unfortunately, some animals aren't adoptable due to health or behavior issues.  None of our partner shelters and rescues will euthanize any animals for space.  For those animals that have health or behavior issues, our partner shelters and rescues contact us to re-claim and re-home any animals that are thought to be unadoptable.