Event Date:Apr 27th, 2018 to Apr 28th, 2018 at 8:00 amCategories:
1969-12-31 18:03:28
1969-12-31 18:03:28
Leech Lake Legacy
Information: https://leechlakelegacy.org/events/spay-neuter-wellness-clinic20180427
Wellness services are walk-in, first come, first served.
Our wellness clinics tend to fill up; please check in with us as early as possible in case we have a waiting list.
Spay/Neuter is by appointment only. To request an appointment, you must fill out our Clinic/Services Request Form. Upon receipt of your Clinic/Services Request Form, we will add you to our waiting list. In the weeks before each spay/neuter clinic, we contact people on the waiting list to schedule appointments. Appointments are scheduled based on your place on the list, and by sex, species, and size of animal.
Because the demand for spay/neuter exceeds our available surgery appointments, we encourage you to explore other options for low-cost spay/neuter if you don’t wish to wait for a Leech Lake Legacy surgery appointment to become available. We recommend you check out these organizations:
Pet Fixers in Bemidji
Northland Spay Neuter in Duluth
Kindest Cut in the Twin Cities
MN SNAP in the Twin Cities
Mission Animal Hospital in the Twin Cities

Serving reservation animals and the people who love them.
Together, we can do amazing things.
Together, we can save lives.
Together, we can make a difference.