Event Date:Categories: 1969-12-31 18:04:33 1969-12-31 18:04:33 America/Chicago Leech Lake Legacy Event Information: http://leechlakelegacy.org/events/wellness-clinic-surrender-event201909

Wellness Clinic & Surrender Event

September 14, 2019

417 Maple Ave NE, Cass Lake (old movie theater)


Wellness services are walk-in, first come, first served. Our wellness clinics tend to fill up; please check in with us as early as possible to get your name on our waiting list.

Services are for those living within the borders of Leech Lake Reservation or enrolled Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe members. Bring state or tribal ID to demonstrate eligibility. Limit 2 pets per address.

Surrenders accepted, but after 10am please.