Event Date:Categories: 1969-12-31 18:06:15 1969-12-31 18:06:15 America/Chicago Leech Lake Legacy Event Information: http://leechlakelegacy.org/events/cliniceventjul2025/

We are on site from 8am to 5pm each scheduled clinic and event day.

We accept surrendered animals at all our clinics and events but are subject to space limitations.  Please contact us in advance if you plan to surrender animals.

Pet food and supplies are distributed at all clinics and events, while supplies last.  We suggest you come as early as possible for pet food and supplies.

Wellness visits are by appointment, and appointments are made from our waitlist.  To get on our waitlist, please submit a request from on our websiteThis link will take you directly to the request form.   Our waitlist for wellness services is long; it could take many months to get to the top of the waitlist.  If you need to see a vet more urgently, we recommend you contact these nearby wellness providers:

  • Pets for Life: 218-515-0449 (a program of Leech Lake Tribal Police)
  • Animal Care Clinic in Bemidji: 218-444-2222
  • Bemidji Vet Hospital in Bemidji: 218-751-2753
  • Cornerstone Veterinary Services in Gonvick: 218-487-5360
  • Evermore Vet in Park Rapids: 218-732-9862
  • Northern Vet in Bemidji: 218-444-5797

Spay/neuter services areby appointment, and appointments are made from our waitlist.  To get on our waitlist, please submit a request from on our websiteThis link will take you directly to the request form.   Our waitlist for spay/neuter services is extremely long, so we recommend you contact the following spay/neuter providers.  You may be able to get an appointment for spay/neuter services with them much more quickly than with us.