Event Date:Categories: 1969-12-31 18:05:27 1969-12-31 18:05:27 America/Chicago Leech Lake Legacy Event Information: http://leechlakelegacy.org/events/clinic-202303

Surrenders accepted 10am - 3pm each day of Clinic or Event, or until our placement spots are filled.

If possible, please let us know in advance if you plan on surrendering.  We will arrange a surrender appointment with you.  Surrender appointments make the intake process less stressful and more orderly, and helps us find placement.  You may give advance notice by phone (866-534-2293, leave message), email (leechlakelegacy@gmail.com) or by filling out our request form.

Pet food available 8am - 5pm each day of Clinic or Event, while supplies last.

Spay/neuter and wellness services, when available, are always by appointment.  Our waiting list for these services are quite long.  To get on our waiting list, please submit a request form.